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ハワイのアーティストにインタビュー! vol.10/ケルシー・イゲ『ケルシーがムームー姿のハワイ女性を描くそのわけとは?』

Ryo Ito


Interview with a Hawaiian Artist vol.10 / Kelsey Ige “Why does Kelsey draw so many Hawaiian women in muʻumuʻu?”

© Kelsey Ige






© Kelsey Ige


Aloha, everyone!

This is the tenth article in a series of interviews with Hawaiian artists that I have been gradually writing for the past two years.

Looking back on the past interviews, I realized that I have introduced many female artists in the past. While there are many male artists in Hawaiʻi, I am always amazed at the powerful and sparkling talent of Wahine (“woman” in Hawaiian).

Kelsey Ige, whose work is featured in this article, is one such female Hawaiian artist. Ever since I stumbled upon her work on Instagram, I have been hoping to interview her someday.

As it happens, Hawaiian women are often depicted in Kelsey's illustration work as well. They wear the traditional Hawaiian “muumuu,” a long dress for going out, and wear leis, also traditional garlands of flowers, sometimes around their necks and sometimes in their hands.

Let's begin this interview by asking Kelsey why she so frequently depicts local women in a very Hawaiian way.



Kelsey's strong feelings as a Hawaiian about the female figures in her work

© Kelsey Ige


I: Recently, many of the women in your illustrations are often wearing muʻumuʻu and sometimes leis. Why do you focus on Hawaiian "traditional objects" and "women" in this way?




私はこの復活を喜ばしいことだと思うし、ムームーは特別な日だけでなく、すべての人のための日常使いのものであることに気づいてもらいたいと思っているわ! ハワイ固有の特別なものであるムームーを私たちハワイアンは愛し、そして楽しむことができるはずよ。

Kelsey: I love alohawear and use this as a way to dream up things I wish existed in real life and show them being worn in modern ways, doing mostly mundane things. Actually, some of the prints I illustrate I saw somewhere and loved it. 

My hope is people imagine themselves in these muʻumuʻu. 

I think we went through a period of time that muʻumuʻu were seen as “uncool” and younger women stopped wearing them. However, about 10 years ago, a woman on Kauai started a movement to revisit the splendor of the muumuu, which eventually grew into a muumuu revival movement involving the entire Hawaiian Islands.

I love this resurgence of muʻumuʻu and want to help people realize muʻumuʻu are for everyone and for everyday use, not just special occasions! Muʻumuʻu are a Hawaiʻi specialty and we should be able to love and enjoy them.


I: Do you usually wear muʻumuʻu?


Kelsey: I do wear mu'umu'u and other alohawear, modern and vintage. I wear them whenever I feel like it.

© Kelsey Ige


I: Actually, I would like to know something else about your illustration work. Do you primarily use digital tools in your production?


Kelsey:I do most of my illustration work digitally. It’s an efficient and clean medium for me.

I’m better able to replicate the kinds of vibrant colors I like to use digitally.


I: I see. Although drawn with digital tools, your illustrations have an appealing rustic touch and a hand-drawn style that shows the movement of your brushstrokes. Why do you draw in such a style?


Kelsey: Even though my medium is primarily digital, I want people to know that a human drew this. Because my work highlights fabric, I also want people to think about the tactile experience of a garment and its fabric.


I: I want to ask you one more thing. Why do you draw the eyes of a person as simple dots?


Kelsey: Because I like to think people can see themselves as this person in my images.


II think that eyes are one of the things that characterize a person's face, but by daring not to give the eyes a specific personality, you have created a portrait of a person that anyone can easily relate to themselves.


What Kelsey found she wants to do and should do now as a hawaiian artist through her past experiences

© Kelsey Ige


Listening to Kelsey's story in this way, my interest in her background as an artist naturally grew.  Let's continue the interview!


:ウェブサイトで見たあなたのプロフィール文の冒頭に 「Visual storyteller(ビジュアル・ストーリーテラー) 」と書かれていたけれど、あなたは、どんなストーリーを、どのように、そしてなぜ伝えたいと考えているのかな?

I: I saw on your website that your profile introduction begins with the words “Visual storyteller.” What story do you want to tell, how, and why?



Kelsey: My focus in my career has always been to share the unique stories of Hawaiʻi through visual means, whether that is through my illustration work, art, graphic design, whatever. 

With an ever homogenizing world and society, my hope is that Hawaiʻi people will connect to my work and find a sense of pride and belonging. Or even just think about what they love about Hawaiʻi.

どんな人でも幸せに生きるためには、誇りと帰属意識が大切だと思うけれど、あなた自身はそれをどのような時に感じる? そして、そういった感覚はあなたの創作活動にも役立っているものなの?

I: I think that the sense of pride and belonging is important for every person to live happily. When do you yourself feel a sense of pride and belonging? And do those senses also help you in any way in your creative work?





でも今は、ヴィンテージであろうと新品であろうと、年齢を問わず(私を含めた)多くの人がムームーを愛用しているわ! ムームーは美しくカラフルで、いつも‟ハワイ”を映し出しているものだから。


Kelsey: That's a heavy question. I guess I feel most like myself with people who accept me for who I am. 

With mu'umu'u in particular, As I told you earlier, we've seen a renaissance of wearing mu'umu'u because people are comfortable and want to wear them again.

And again, I definitely feel there was a time when, socially, people thought of mu'umu'u being for tūtū (“grandmother”in Hawaiian) or tourists only. I've always loved muʻumuʻu and admit there was a time when I felt like it wasnʻt "cool" to wear muʻumuʻu. But now so many people of all ages love to wear muʻumuʻu, whether theyʻre vintage or new! It’s so wonderful to see because theyʻre beautiful and colorful and always reflect Hawaiʻi.

In terms of my work, I want to make beautiful and engaging images for my audience, so I celebrate the things that I love and hopefully that I connect with others, too.

© Kelsey Ige



I: Mu'umu'u is probably one of items that gives Hawaiian women, including you, a sense of belonging and pride in their homeland, and it seems that Hawaiian women are now paying renewed attention to to mu'umu'u.

Well, you studied graphic design at the University of Hawaiʻi, then began your career as an art directer at Waikiki Aquarium, followed by careers at Honolulu Magazine, and Hawaiʻi Business Magazine. How have your experiences at the aquarium and in the publishing industry helped you as an artist?



illustration for Hawaii Business Magazine by Kelsey Ige




Kelsey: At Waikiki Aquarium, I did all of the graphics, branding, a lot of the photography and even worked on the membership magazine. I started doing illustrations for the Aquarium and eventually became a freelance illustrator for local magazines like Hawaiʻi Magazine and Honolulu Magazine.

My dream job was really working as an editorial designer and art director, so I was stoked to land at Honolulu Magazine. My relationship with them began as a freelance illustrator and Finally I worked as the art director there.

During my time at Hawaii Business Magazine (a sister publication to Honolulu Magazine), I became head of all creative and branding. This role was important to the brand because I also helped create content and stories for the magazine and for their events. This role really made me think about how important visuals are and how they can influence an audience. 

Hawaii Business Magazine focuses on business in Hawaiʻi— something a lot less glamorous than the kind of stories in Honolulu Magazine— but it can actually affect people’s lives. We covered jobs, cost of living in Hawaiʻi, housing, government policy, really important and complicated stuff. So creating visuals to help people understand was very important. 

Everything I’ve learned throughout my career has helped me evolve as an artist and designer and also be a critical thinker.


I: How does the critical thinking help you in your illustration work?


Kelsey: My work is about celebrating what is unique about Hawaiʻi, so I need to examine and think about what makes Hawaiʻi special and different from, say, anywhere else in the world–especially general American popular culture.

illustration for Foodland Hawaii by Kelsey Ige


I: You are currently working as an artist, freelance designer, art director, and marketing specialist for the Wahiawa Value-Added Product Development Center (WVAPD), which supports Hawaiʻi's agricultural and entrepreneurial communities, too. What kind of work do you do at WVAPD?

ケルシー: ワヒアワ付加価値製品開発センターは、食品開発に熱心に取り組む起業家や農家と協力する施設で、ベンチャー企業みたいな組織なの!



Kelsey: Wahiawa Value-Added Product Development Center is a facility that works with entrepreneurs and farmers who are focused on developing food products. We’re a new entity that is quite a bit like a startup! 

Our main goal is to work towards food sovereignty by providing services and facilities to aid local farmers in food production, connect food entrepreneurs with farmers to create locally grown and produced food products and eventually export these value-added food products to the rest of the world. 

My role here is to provide marketing, branding and graphic design support.





At the end of my interview with Kelsey, I asked her about her future goals and upcoming projects.

She told me the following. ‟I’m trying to get back to my art after becoming a mother. I took the last two years to really get used to parenting, it’s hard work! I’ve changed my lifestyle and career to be able to be a present mother to my daughter and focus on other things that matter to me: my family, my art, and connecting with ʻāina(‟land″in Hawaiian). I’m hoping to paint more this year, 2025 and sell more prints! Lots of creative goals, but that’s what I’ll share for now! ″

What kind of evolution will Kelsey, who has achieved motherhood, show us in the future as an artist?

◆ケルシーについてもっと知りたい方は/For more information on the artist



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