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ハワイのアーティストにインタビュー! vol.9/ローレン・トラングマー(Lauren Trangmar)『ローレンの独創的なスタイルはどのようにして生まれたの?』

Ryo Ito


Interview with a Hawaiian Artist vol.9 / Lauren Trangmar “How did Lauren's creative style come about?

an illustration work depicting “lei” by Lauren Trangmar (ハワイ伝統の首飾り、レイを描いたローレンのイラスト作品)




ところが、これが実は、探求の可能性がさらに広がったということであり、喜び、楽しむべき新たな発見であると初めて私に感じさせてくれたのが、アーティスト、ローレン・トラングマー(Lauren Trangmar)の作品です。


We have all had the experience of realizing that we have only seen a limited aspect of something that we thought we fully understood. And such a phenomenon may be more likely to occur with things that we love and are familiar with on a daily basis.

When this happened, I used to feel ashamed of my own ignorance and narrow-mindedness, and often fell into a state of self-loathing.

However, it were the works of Lauren Trangmar, the artist I introduce here, that first made me realize that this is, in fact, an expansion of possibilities for further exploration, a new discovery to be enjoyed and relished.

In this article, I would like to introduce Lauren Trangmar and her works, including some of the stories I heard in my interview with her, which brought about such a positive change in my thinking.

Lauren Trangmar(ローレン・トラングマー)


The things Lauren depicts that seem ordinary, but are not

まずは、「ZARU SOBA(ざるそば)」と題された、ローレンのイラスト作品をご覧ください。

First, please take a look at Lauren's illustration work titled “ZARU SOBA(Cold soba noodles that are served on a woven bamboo tray, called a zaru)”.

ZARU SOBA(ざるそば) ©Lauren Trangmar








「私は、平凡な日常のあれこれを通常とは別の見方や考え方で捉え、それらを部品の総体として際立たせるように表現していると思う。それが 『非日常』的に感じられるのではないかしら?」

Zaru soba, one of the most typical Japanese dishes depicted here, looks an “ordinary” zaru soba that can be found anywhere at first glance.

However, if you look closely, the name is written on each tableware and ingredient like an illustration in an illustrated encyclopedia, giving also the slightly “unordinary” impression that the zaru soba has been broken down into the parts that make up this dish.

When eating zaru soba, it is unlikely that you will ever eat it with each of these parts in mind.

However, when we look at Lauren's zaru soba, we are reminded of the very natural fact that the “whole” of zaru soba exists only because all of the individual details are in place.

And in this zaru soba illustrated by Lauren, we would have questions like, “Why are the chopsticks painted red?” “Why is the sauce splashing in the air?”“Why is nori(seaweed) flying in the air?” And it is delightful to see the artist's unique view of zaru soba in these details.

Furthermore, this work has the power to make me think about what zaru soba is to me, and to make me look back on my own past “zaru soba experiences”.

Upon hearing my thoughts on this piece, Lauren told me the following.

“I think it is more of different way of seeing and thinking about an ordinary, everyday item and presenting it in the way that highlights it as a sum of it's parts, if that makes sense? I think that is what makes it “unordinary”.”


Why did Lauren start painting Hawaii's unique motifs?





In the past, Many people from Japan immigrated to Hawaii, where Lauren lives, and they and their descendants, the Nikkei, have continued to have a significant impact on Hawaiian society and culture.

Lauren herself was born to a Hawaiian third generation Japanese American mother and a New Zealander father and raised in New Zealand, her father's homeland, She eventually transferred from local university to study art at the University of Hawaii in 2011, where she began her career as an artist while still a student there.

It is probably not unrelated to her roots that Japanese foods such as sushi and tempura, including the already mentioned “ZARU SOBA”, were chosen as motifs for Lauren's work.

In addition, Lauren's work often features local Hawaiian foods such as loco moco, poke bowl, and shave ice, as well as motifs essential to Hawaiian culture such as aloha shirts, ukuleles, and lei.

POKE BOWL(ポケボウル) ©Lauren Trangmar


ALOHA SHIRT(アロハシャツ) ©Lauren Trangmar

SURFBOARD ANATOMY(サーフボード解剖学)  ©Lauren Trangmar




When asked why she has illustrated so many of these “Hawaiian” things, Lauren told me the reason as follows.

“When I moved to Hawaii, I became immersed in the local culture and environment. And I realized that I knew too little about the second half of my ancestral heritage, Hawaii, life in Hawaii and being of

Japanese descent living in the islands. I was living with my grandmother at the time, and she taught me a lot about the life in Hawaii.Thus, having knowledge of the island itself, the cultures and customs that are in co-existence here (different from New Zealand) helped me to understand her and also the lifestyle in Hawaii.”

“I have always been a curious person and naturally wanted to learn more about Hawaii and everything that existed around me. I began researching various things in Hawaii, trying to understand them by breaking things down into smaller details. I found out so many interesting stories and historic details during my research that I felt compelled to share them by creating artwork and writing about what I had learned.”


Lauren's unique drawing style that was born during her time at the University







Lauren's unique “anatomical” style of drawing, in which she takes an object apart and illustrates it realistically, was born while she was a student at the University of Hawaii.

One day, stuck on a project, Lauren visited the library and found a book on human anatomy for doctors in the science section. She was immediately fascinated by the level of detail and style of the illustrations in this book.

Looking back on that time, Lauren said in one interview as below.

“At the time the book was published, photographs did not yet exist (to record things as they really were), and what was depicted was believed to be “fact”. But as science and technology progressed and inaccuracies became more and more apparent, the “facts” about the human body also evolved (changed). My style of telling the story of a motif through its “facts” and history was thus born.”

In the same interview, Lauren also said, “I think most people have a natural desire to understand the nature and culture around them.”

“I think it is great for representing concepts and subjects in a realistic and educational way, but I also like that I can play with reality and tell more fictional stories, imaginative and evoke a similar feeling to mine in viewers by working with detail.” She told me.


Two map works representing her career as an artist


「その質問には答えるのがとても難しけれど、2015年にホノルル美術館で行われた展覧会『アーティスト・オブ・ハワイ』のために制作した『クリエイティブな宇宙(CREATIVE MACROCOSM)』は、私にとって特別な作品だと言えると思う。私自身の創作人生を描いたもので、アーティストとしての私のキャリアの始まりとなった作品よ」

Having thus found her own original style and continued to make works, what is Lauren's favorite and most memorable work?

“That question is very difficult to answer, but I would say that CREATIVE MACROCOSM, which I created for the 2015 exhibition “Artists of Hawaii” at the Honolulu Museum of Art, is a work that stands out for me. It is a map of my own creative life and became the beginning of my career as an professional artist.”She said.

CREATIVE MACROCOSMOS(クリエイティブな宇宙) ©Lauren Trangmar


「そして、私の印象に残っているもう 1 つの作品は、『ハワイ諸島から報告された米国の地図(Map of the United States as reported from the Hawaiian Islands)』ね。ハワイ諸島をアメリカの他の地域と比較して記録するために従来とは異なるアプローチで制作した地図で、私自身楽しみながら描いた特別な作品よ」

“At the time, I was interested in medical drawings and old star maps, so I decided to map my own journey, the creative journey that had led me to my career. Recording my own history in this way has been a very meaningful process, not only for me, but for others who have been surprised to learn where “all” of me as an artist has come from. This work, which is also a thank to everyone who has been involved with me in various ways, is now in the permanent collection of the Honolulu Museum of Art. And you can see it when it is brought out for exhibitions in the museum.”

And she continued to say,“Another work that has left a lasting impression on me is“ Map of the United States as reported from the Hawaiian Islands”. It is a very special piece of work that I enjoyed, as it was a different approach to documenting the Hawaiian Islands in comparison to the rest of the United States.”

Map of the United States as reported from the Hawaiian Islands (ハワイ諸島から報告された米国の地図) ©Lauren Trangmar


“In this work, I also drew creatures and characters from Hawaiian stories and mythology, including some imaginary creatures that I created based on what I have seen while ocean swimming in Hawaii.”


Hawaii's fertile sea that inspires Lauren's creativity

REEF FISH COMMOMLY FOUND in the STATE of HAWAI‘I  (ハワイ州で見られる、サンゴ礁の魚たち) ©Lauren Trangmar





When she is tired of working on her artwork, Lauren often goes swimming in the sea of Waikiki with her friends.

“As a former competitive swimmer, I used the pool often, but never actually swam in the sea until a few years ago. That's when the pandemic happened in 2020 and the pool was closed, so I started swimming in the sea as a place where I could exercise outside my home while keeping a reasonable distance (to prevent infection) and seeing and talking with friends!”

“I also began to draw illustrations of tropical fish, dolphins, seals, rays, and other creatures I encountered in Hawaii's sea, as well as the currents and waves. Swimming in the sea refreshes me and gives me the energy to create more, too.”

MARINE LIFE COMMOMLY SEEN in the STATE of HAWAI‘I (ハワイ州で見られる、海の生き物たち) ©Lauren Trangmar


WAVE ANATOMY (波の解剖学)   ©Lauren Trangmar


What are Lauren's upcoming art projects?


最近では、カウアイ島にある「ハレレア・ギャラリー(Halelea Gallery)」のために、従来多用してきた紙でなく、木の板に水性アクリル絵の具で描いた、何ともユニークな12枚の連作を発表したばかりです。

In addition to the illustration works, Lauren also designed jewelry gift boxes, fabric items, and store interiors, and is energetically involved in creative activities in a variety of genres.

Recently, for the Halelea Gallery on Kauai, she created a unique series of 12 paintings on wooden boards painted with water-based acrylics instead of paper, which she has used extensively in the past.

ローレンがハレレア・ギャラリーのために制作した作品「 Raw Doggin. 」
Raw Doggin. for Halelea Gallery ©Lauren Trangmar

今後の予定を尋ねると、「来年は楽しい年になるはず。トリ・リチャード(TORI RICHARD)から私がデザインしたユニークなアロハシャツが何枚か発売され、ハワイのイラスト付き地図帳がベス・プレスから春に発売予定なの」とのこと。




When asked about her future plans, she replied, “I have an exciting year next year. TORI RICHARD will be releasing several unique aloha shirts that I designed, and an illustrated map book of Hawaii will be published by BESS PRESS in the spring 2025.

TORI RICHARD is a long-established Hawaii-based aloha shirt brand founded in 1956, featuring comfortable, high-quality fabrics and sophisticated, chic designs that are also suitable for city use. I am very much looking forward to seeing what Lauren's shirt designs will look like.

Also, what kind of new view of Hawaii will the new map book show us?

You can see many more of her amazing creations than the ones in this article on Lauren's website and Instagram. Please check them out if you are interested.

■Lauren's website

Lauren's Instagram


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